Students start a tutorial on Express. They are now working in the
folder , and should have completed files 1 through 7.
This lesson’s focus is HTTP basics:
header (eg: serving HTML vs JSON)The tutorial centers around a “Coding Addict” portfolio site. The portfolio site has client-side JavaScript which is provided pre-completed for students. The instructor only very briefly reviews how static files are served; and certainly presumes that students have prior knowledge of client-side web development.
from 3:40:48 to 6:10:46 (end of Additional Params and Query String Info
This is a copy-and-paste-heavy assignment. Since students put their work into a different folder, it’s quite tricky to understand exactly what they changed unless you know the course well. As a workaround, you can move student work into the not-answers folder to easily see exactly what (if anything) they changed compared to the boilerplate that comes with the course:
git fetch $STUDENT_NAME
mv 02-express-tutorial/answers/* 02-express-tutorial/final
rm -rf 02-express-tutorial/answers
git diff
Note that any HTML & CSS you see in the diff was copied and pasted; you can disregard it.
We are departing from “programming 101” and switching to working with Express. You might have seen some tinkering and experimentation in the last 2 weeks, and you might see that the tinkering and experimentation goes away this week!
This curriculum does not challenge students to do anything more than copying & pasting the video tutorial content. If you see any diff at all (after doing the copy, paste, diff trick above), praise that experimentation! If you don’t, then ask questions to assess students’ understanding, since the base assignment doesn’t, really:
ask what happened to all of the complexity of content-type headers from
part 3? (answer: express sets the content-type automatically based on the
file extension)Encourage students to experiment with the course content, and submit their experimentation in the future.
The students may inlcude a 02-express-tutorial/practiceExpress.js
file. This
is part of the optional “Additional Assignment”. Definitely show them some
encouragement if they’ve worked on this bit! The instructions request that they
write Express code to serve the index.html from the new-public folder; but any
extra work they’ve done here is great.