Lesson 5: Task Manager Part 1

Lesson page

Tutorial video from the beginning to 1:28:45.

Students do part 1 of the Task Manager API (a classic to-do app). They scaffold out the project, wrestle with connecting to a MongoDB database for the first time. This week is heavy on the project setup and methods to query the database. In part 2, students will finish building out the API

Students should have the following changes in the 03-task-manager/starter directory:

  • app.js with a /hello route and an /api/v1/tasks prefix. Server start method should include connecting to their MongoDB cluster using an environment variable.
  • controller/tasks.js: only the createTask endpoint is fully built out, using mongoose to create a Task in the database. The other endpoints (get, getAll, update, and delete) should be defined but generally just have placeholder code this week.
  • db/connect.js: code to connect to MongoDB Atlas
  • models/Task.js: basic model code with no validation fields yet
  • routes/tasks.js: define the route methods and connect to the controller

Pay special attention to quizAnswers.txt, which has students’ responses to some open-ended questions.

Also watch that students have not committed their .env file to their repository. Students are using MongoDB atlas, so leaked credentials are a serious concern here.

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